Treatment, follow-up and rehabilitation

Since its foundation, Akson’s main objective has been to centralise the treatment and life-long follow-up of people with spinal cord injuries.

The first major step was taken on 1 May 2011, when the decree on the centralisation of the treatment of patients with spinal cord injuries came into force in three university hospitals in Helsinki, Tampere and Oulu. The decree was updated on 24 August 2017, and it came into force on 1 January 2018.

The decree only applies to people with traumatic injuries. Akson’s next key goal is the inclusion of the treatment of those with disease-based and congenital spinal cord injuries in the decree.


Spinal Cord Injury Centers in Finland

coming soon



Further reading in Finnish:

Valtioneuvoston asetus erikoissairaanhoidon työnjaosta ja eräiden tehtävien keskittämisestä Asetus 24.8.2017 582/2017, voimassa 1.1.2018 alkaen (korvaa aiemmin 1.5.2011 voimaan tulleen asetuksen 336/2011) (Government decree 582/2017 on the division of duties in special health care) 

KELA Selkäydinvammaisen hyvä kuntoutuskäytäntö, julkaistu 31.1.2017 (Rehabilitation practices for people with spinal cord injuries)

Terveyskylä.fi - Kuntoutumistalo (Information on rehabilitation)

More information on spinal cord injury

The European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF) is the umbrella organisation for European associations that represent people with spinal cord injuries. The ESCIF website offers information about spinal cord injuries and the activities of the European spinal cord injury associations.