Akson in English
The Finnish Association of Spinal Cord Injured Akson was founded on 13 June 2009 to unite people with spinal cord injuries and to promote their interests as well as those of their families.
Our office is located in Helsinki on the premises of the Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities (Mannerheimintie 107, 00280 Helsinki).
Contact us: office Tel. +358 50 371 5400, email toimisto@aksonry.fi
Akson’s objectives include:
To develop peer support activities for people with spinal cord injuries at individual, local, regional and nationwide levels
To develop acute phase care for people with spinal cord injuries as well as immediate rehabilitation afterwards and multi-disciplinary lifelong monitoring in collaboration with spinal cord injury centres
To share information concerning spinal cord injuries
To promote research on spinal cord injuries in Finland
To promote the rights of people with spinal cord injuries in general
Member benefits
As a member of Akson you are entitled to the following benefits:
Selkäydinvamma magazine (published twice a year, you can find past issues here)
Seminars and other events at discounted prices
Peer support
Protection of interests and advice
Help with problems
The IT magazine and other membership benefits offered by Invalidiliitto ry (the Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities; Akson is a member of this nationwide organisation)
SOS Aktuellt magazine (in Swedish, subscriptions via the Akson office)
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Selkäydinvammaiset Akson ry 10.02.25 kello 05:06 |
Kävelevien selkäydinvammaisten verkkoryhmä kohtaa Teamsissä maanantaina 17.2. klo 17.30. Tervetuloa mukaan keskustelemaan ja jakamaan kokemuksia! Jos et ole aiemmin ollut tapaamisissa... |
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Selkäydinvammaiset Akson ry 10.02.25 kello 10:00 |
Voisitko juuri sinä olla tukena vastavammautuneelle selkäydinvammaiselle tai hänen läheiselleen? Olisiko sinulla kotva aikaa vertaistuelle? 💙 Onko sinulla aito kiinnostus ja halu auttaa? ... |